Whether to leave a stone unturned

“Somewhere, something incredible is waiting to be known.”

– Carl Sagan

Currently I am reading a book that discusses the said dilemma among many other important aspects linked to human decision making. The title is ‘Algorithms to live by’. Personally, I found the content – presented by the authors Brian Christian and Tom Griffiths – very interesting as well as relatable.

The central theme is about the utility of computer science concepts for dealing with the problems faced during our day-to-day life, including career. To explain applications of algorithms, simple real-life examples are discussed throughout the book such as selecting a new property, securing a parking space, choosing between a favourite restaurant and a new one, arranging things at home or office, filling the closets, and so on.

For example, one chapter helped me to get an idea of how ‘Caching’ is associated with highly sophisticated systems like ‘Anticipatory Shipping’ (patented by Amazon). I am getting to know how modern computers perform the tasks involving constraints such as partial information, finite resources, and trade-offs between time and accuracy. It’s not just a rigid process involving enormous permutations and finding an exact answer.

The book enables us to see clearly that the predicaments faced by computers are just like those faced by the human mind. It helps us recognize how good we are at solving the problems; simultaneously, it lets us know the errors that we make by mixing rationality and intuition. The content is heavy with a lot of insights that draw from multiple knowledge disciplines.

The algorithm is a way of thinking with a long history in human life much before the advent of computers. It may be unable to solve a few challenges yet. Humans will keep on grappling with questions that will remain as unresolved. We can treat the set of innovative concepts discussed in the said book as another addition to our toolkit. Ultimately, as the adage goes, we may not need the perfect solution if we can find the best probable one.

@my first (& the only, as of now) ebook

You don’t want to be a rich businessman, a renowned artist, or whatsoever profession you choose to be into; what you really want is to be happy with what you do and to bring happiness in the lives of the people whom you love and who love you.

– The Garden of Orchids

Hi friends,
I wish to let you know that my eBook, The Garden of Orchids shall be available for free download from 17th September to 19th September, 2015 at Amazon sites worldwide.

You may even choose to read a sample chapter at Amazon, before risking the time & energy involved in getting the book downloaded.

I can’t find precise words to express how important your feedback / reviews are to me. Hence request you to share here, whatever your true feelings are about the book. That’s the only way I can better my future endeavors…

“A person can adopt to any circumstances if there is assurance of having someone alongside. Hence one should always value the person who accompanies through one’s life!”

– The Garden of Orchids.

Yours truly,
Yogesh D. D.

Friends, here is the First Chapter of My eBook for your review!

The Garden of Orchids

1. The Cabbie

“Destination! How much relieved one feels after reaching at that place! That feeling of liberation, satisfaction of accomplishment, and confidence that you didn’t deviate from the path, no matter what amount of challenges were faced by you during the journey.

I need to speed up so that the commuter’s blood pressure doesn’t shoot up. Okay Mr. Greg, get ready for reaching to your destination!” – The Cabbie.

The Cabbie was a well-mannered person with positive attitude that made him a great choice to serve potential customers of the agency. The Cabbie liked his pure white uniform which had a tinge of blue. He had flawless track record without any customer complaints. His only condition was that he be given a list of clients who required service on any given day and that he would choose the ones that he would serve.

Though this was a little weird about the Cabbie, there was something more. Nobody knew exactly where he lived and little did anyone know about his family history. He neither discussed his past nor did he ask anyone about any personal matter. Occasionally he would help a colleague if he or she required money. But that was his only social behavior.

The Cabbie never accepted any favors from customers. He would simply wish them happy journey and a good time ahead! The customers would wonder about the inspiration that kept him leading the life in his own way. In fact few of them even felt curious at his simple but elegant approach to life.

The facts were different though. On the surface the water appeared to be still and calm. But there were many currents flowing underneath. The Cabbie was an enigmatic personality. As far as there was no harm to anyone, the people did not mind the mystery. The Cabbie certainly wasn’t an epitome of inner peace. Rather if one could get an access to his personal space, a constant conflict between his heart and mind could be sensed…

My first eBook!

The Garden of Orchids

Friends, I am pleased to share my joy with you about publishing my first eBook. It’s been a wonderful experience! I could learn a lot from your interesting blogs, the writing assignments of WP, and your feedback about my initial writing efforts. This is the time to say thanks to all for your continued support and interest. It has been a great source of inspiration for me. A link to the details page of my book is as follows: The Garden of Orchids Your valuable reviews on different features of my book shall be a bonus for me! Let’s do it together!

Success is not final, failure is not fatal: it is the courage to continue that counts. – Winston Churchill